#1 Amazon Best-Selling Author

We are still a Nation at Risk.
We deserve better leadership. We have allowed ourselves to be bamboozled by slick manipulators, the embodiment of mediocrity in a suit, and permitted them to rise to positions of significant power. Our leaders are often poorly prepared, inarticulate and confused by complex issues. At their worst, they are vindictive, disingenuous and cowardly. We are beguiled by simplistic impressions and shallow perceptions shaped through our devices.
True Leadership provides immediate and actionable strategies and solutions, outlining The 10 Universal Laws of True Leadership©, immutable realities that must be embraced and mastered by those intrepid enough to wade into the heat of the leadership kitchen. True Leadership is a must-read for any professional and would-be leader.

Avoiding Titanic
What Schools Can Do
to Save the Sinking
American Male (2025)